Ajou News

NEW (2016-01-26)Ajou signs MOUs with China's Beijing Institute of Technology and Shanghai Jiao Tong University

  • 2016-02-04
  • 24409


Ajou signs MOUs with China's Beijing Institute of Technology and Shanghai Jiao Tong University 
Ajou University signed Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with China's Beijing Institute of Technology and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, respectively. Based on the MOUs, Ajou plans to conduct active exchanges and cooperation between the two universities, including dispatching students and professors to China.
Ajou's President Dong Yeon Kim visited Beijing, China, on January 20th to conclude the MOU with the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT). President Kim and BIT's President Hu Hai Yan signed and exchanged the MOU, which deals with avenues for exchange and cooperation in education and research, etc. between the two universities.
BIT, which was established in 1940 by the Communist Party of China, is the first university in the field of engineering and natural sciences in the country. Eighteen students from Ajou, including three from other universities, are participating in the "After You Program" at the BIT during this winter. The Program was launched by Ajou for students who find it hard to develop overseas experience because of financial difficulties, and the program for this winter is the second one following the first program that was held last summer at the University of Michigan and Johns Hopkins University in the U.S. and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. During the four-week program, the participants are attending the Chinese language course and having cultural experiences, etc.  
The MOU with the BIT includes exchanges between students and faculty members, etc. During the MOU signing ceremony, President Kim proposed a dual degree program between the two universities, and the BIT welcomed it. The two sides will soon begin discussions on details for introducing the dual degree program, including the selection of applied departments and exchanging the relevant curricula.
President Kim then visited Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) located in Shanghai on the 21st, and concluded two MOUs. Established in 1896, SJTU is a prestigious university, ranking 5th among Chinese universities and 24th among Asian universities in the 2015 QS Worldwide University Rankings.
In 2007, Ajou and SJTU signed an MOU on exchange and cooperation, and entered into two additional MOUs to further deepen and expand their bilateral cooperation during the latest visit. Ajou's President Kim and SJTU's Vice President Huang Zhen signed an MOU on the After You Program, and Ajou's Vice President for External Relations Byung Chun So and Director Guk Bong Lee from SJTU's Center for Korean Studies concluded an MOU between Ajou University Unification Institute and SJTU's Institute of Unification, respectively.
President Kim's visit to China also included a dinner with the "After You Program" participants and another dinner at the invitation of Ajou's General Alumni Association based in Shanghai.
President Kim told the Program participants, "I hope that the 'After You Program' will be an opportunity for you to gain insight on a different region of the globe," encouraging, "I ask you to productively complete it and return home safely."
What was interesting about the dinner at the BIT is the fact that its staff members prepared food themselves. In China, it is a sign of special welcome for the host to make and serve food to guests in person. The dinner in Shanghai was arranged by Chairman Seong Hyeon Kim of the local alumni association, and President Kim introduced the development strategy and the latest news from Ajou University to the alumni.
* Top photo – a scene from the MOU signing ceremony with the BIT 
* Middle photo – a scene from the MOU signing ceremony with SJTU
* Bottom photo – a scene from the dinner with the "AFTER YOU Program" participants at the BIT