Ajou News

NEW (2016.04.26)Ajou’s officials discuss mutual cooperation with World-OKTA at its Leaders Convention

  • 2016-05-02
  • 26783


Ajou’s officials discuss mutual cooperation with World-OKTA at its Leaders Convention
Ajou University officials including President Dong Yeon Kim attended the 18th World Federation of Overseas Korean Traders Associations (World-OKTA) Leaders Convention & Export Discussion Meeting. World-OKTA, an association of economic and trade activities for Korean businesspeople based in different countries around the globe, is forming a close relationship with the University for mutual cooperation and exchange.
Executive Vice President for Industry-Academia Cooperation Kyung Hee Choi and Vice President for External Relations Byung Chun So joined President Kim at the event, which was held in Ulsan for three days and four nights from April 22nd. They discussed mutual cooperation and exchanges with World-OKTA Chairman Ki Chool Park and Ulsan City Mayor Ki Hyeon Kim.
World-OKTA has closely worked together with the University on operating internship programs and the Global Startup Academy. Twenty corporate members of World-OKTA recently expressed their willingness to provide internship programs for about thirty students from Ajou. The companies are doing business in various regions, including North America (the U.S. and Canada), Europe (Romania and Hungary), Southeast Asia (Malaysia and Thailand, etc.), China, and Japan. The Global Internship Program will be carried out in connection with Paran Semester – Ajou's Creative Activity Program .
On April 23rd, President Kim gave a lecture under the tile of ‘Pleasant Innovation 2’ at the Next Generation Forum during the Convention. 
President Kim said, “The hub of South Korea’s manufacturing industry cluster in southeastern cities, including Busan, Ulsan, and Pohang, is facing a crisis,” adding, “We can draw a clue to the fundamental reason from the match between AlphaGo and Sedol Lee.”
He went on to say, “The match cast doubt on the widely accepted 'standards' in Go games," adding, "It also suggested that we break the existing framework through critical and creative thinking instead of always trying to find 'the right answer,' and that we open our minds to innovation and correcting imbalances in our society."
After President Kim's lecture, Deputy Director Kyeong Ho Kim of the LINC Project Group presented on the operational plan for the 'World-OKTA – Ajou University Global Startup Academy.' The Academy plans to assist young people in starting businesses in Korea and abroad, and to provide support to overseas companies run by Koreans, etc.
At the working level, LINC Project Team Leader Goon Jin Lim and other officials from the University and World-OKTA discussed details of the Academy and the program for inviting and training overseas next-generation leaders, etc.
< President Dong Yeon Kim gives a lecture at the Next Generation Forum during the Convention.>
< Deputy Director Kyeong Ho Kim of the LINC Project Group presents on the operational plan for the Global Startup Academy.>