Ajou News

NEW (16.05.11)Ajou's Department of Architecture celebrates its 30th anniversary

  • 2016-05-19
  • 25995

Ajou's Department of Architecture celebrates its 30th anniversary 
The Department of Architecture of Ajou University held an event to mark its 30th anniversary.
The event, which was entitled "Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Department of Architecture and Homecoming Day," was held on April 29th and 30th at Yulgok Hall's Grand Auditorium and Seongho Hall Theater, etc.
The celebration program began at 4 p.m. on April 29th, with about 250 students, Honorary Professor Don Soh Park and other professors, and graduates from the Department in attendance.
It kicked off with a congratulatory speech read on behalf of President Dong Yeon Kim, followed by a congratulatory speech by Dean Sang Duk Lee of the College of Engineering, recollections by professors and graduates, the donation of the development fund, and a commemorative group photo. The event was an opportunity for all the people involved in the Department to look back on the past and reflect on future development.
Homecoming Day, which began at 3 p.m. on April 30th at Seongho Hall Theater,  was attended by about 100 graduates, professors, and students. The main program was followed by dinner at the square of Students Hall, in which the participants talked casually over food. During the event, the General Alumni Association of the Department of Architecture was established and Won Gyu Cho (entering class of 1987) was named President.
At the same time, in commemoration of the 30th anniversary, professors and graduates donated to the development fund. The newly launched General Alumni Association contributed 20 million won and Honorary Professor Don Soh Park pledged to donate 10 million won per year for student scholarships. Professor Hae Seong Je promised to donate 10 million won and many others made smaller contributions.
< The alumni representative delivers 20 million won in development funds to Director Kyu In Lee of the Department of Architecture.>
< Graduates pose for a picture during the Homecoming Day dinner.>