Ajou News

NEW Ajou University opens two ICT research centers

  • 2018-12-11
  • 13523


Two research centers were launched after Ajou University was earlier selected by the Ministry of Science and ICT for the Information Technology Research Center (ITRC) Project.



On November 27th, Ajou University President Hyung Ju Park, officials from the government, professors involved in the project, and students all participated in the opening ceremony for the MR-IoT Convergence AI Disaster Research Center and the Satellite Information Convergence Services and ICT Experts Fostering Center.




The ceremony kicked off with a welcoming speech by President Park, followed by congratulatory remarks by Director Hong Taek Yong (Ministry of Science and ICT), Head of IITP Je Beom Seok, Director Jae Yeol Lee (Gyeonggi Disaster and Safety Headquarters), and Head of Satellite Information Center Hyo Suk Lim (Korea Aerospace Research Institute) and introductions by Professor Byeong Hee Roh of the Department of Software (Head of the MR-IoT Center) and Professor Jae Hyun Kim of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Head of the Satellite Information Center).




The Ministry of Science and ICT expects the ITRCs to play a key role in promoting ICT-related industry-academia cooperation and fostering talents in the related fields. Twelve centers from 11 universities, including two from Ajou, were chosen as ITRCs in the key areas of the Fourth Industrial Revolution such as Big Data, AI, intelligent semi-conductors, blockchain, and quantum computing. Each ITRC will receive KRW 530 million to KRW 800 million over the next four years.




In his welcome speech, President Park said, "Ajou's two ITRCs will create synergy by connecting with IoT and AI that will lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution," adding, "I expect that the ITRCs will produce excellent results and provide students with opportunities to learn how ICT will contribute to human life and thereby build expertise in their respective areas."




Professor Roh said, "The MR-IoT Center aims to develop technologies that can create synergy across a platform," adding, "I plan to turn the Center into one that can help deal with disasters or evacuation by partnering with local governments."



 Professor Kim said, "The Satellite Information Center will analyze disasters such as fine dust, droughts, and earthquakes based on satellite-collected information and other observation data," adding, "In addition, I will explore new businesses, for example, forecasting annual sales of marts based on the number of parked vehicles or projecting the size of the rice harvest by analyzing the amount of water stored in paddy fields via satellite pictures."