Ajou News

NEW Ajou University holds its 23rd International Day

  • 2018-12-11
  • 13691

Ajou University held the 2018 International Day. The event aims to promote exchanges among international and Korean students and faculty and staff members from Ajou University.


It was held on November 8th on the lawn behind the University Gymnasium, and about 300 students from 38 countries set up booths and introduced their local culture and food, etc. About 100 students from the University served as volunteers.


Booths for Oceania (the Solomon Islands) and Africa (Ghana, Nigeria, Algeria, Egypt, etc.) were installed as well as those for Asia (Japan, China, Vietnam, etc.) and Europe (France, Germany, etc.). Students from seven American countries, including the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Columbia also joined the program.


The event also featured performances by students from six counties – Vietnam, Indonesia, China, Myanmar, Nepal, and Jamaica.


Ajou University has sisterhood relationships with 318 universities and institutions in 67 countries around the world and various programs are underway with these universities, including student and faculty exchanges, dual degrees, and joint research. 


Under the dual degree program, Ajou University students can earn a dual degree when they obtain certain credits at Ajou and then the remaining credits at the sister university – Stony Brook University or the Illinois Institute of Technology in the U.S.

 In addition, other international programs are available, including the Global Internship, the Paran Ladder, and short-term dispatches to overseas institutes.