Ajou News

NEW Government support is extended for Ajou's Software Specialized University Project Group

  • 2019-03-28
  • 12167

Government support has been extended for Ajou's Software Specialized University Project Group (SSUPG).


Ajou University, which has carried out the first and second stages of the Project over the past four years since 2015, will continue the third stage through 2020 with KRW 4.03 billion in government support.


The Software Specialized University Project (SSUP), which is carried out by the Ministry of Science and ICT and the Institute for Information & Communications Technology Promotion, aims to produce software experts. Ajou University was selected for the Project in 2015, the first year of the initiative, and has received financial support worth KRW 10.05 billion so far. The University is pursuing 12 key tasks in three categories, including Software Convergence Education, Software Education as a Major, and Software Awareness Improvement, to foster talents who will lead changes and innovation in the hyper-connected society.


Eight universities were chosen in 2015, including Ajou, Korea University, Sogang University, and Sungkyunkwan University and a total of 30 universities are currently participating in the Project.


Professor Ki Yeol Ryu (Department of Software), who is in charge of the Project, said, "The University was acknowledged for its solid achievements in the 2018 project evaluation," adding, "In particular, we received highly favorable comments on innovative education, curriculum, and convergence programs, including software education and collaboration with relevant institutions outside the University." 


He went on to say, "In the third stage, we will seek substantial progress based on the previous results."