Ajou News

NEW Ajou University leadership communicates with its international faculty members on various internal issues

  • 2020-02-20
  • 4395


Ajou University leadership had a meeting with its international faculty members to discuss various internal issues.
The event, which was held on the afternoon of December 23rd in the Yeonam Hall Corner Stone, was attended by 14 international faculty members, Ajou University President Hyung Ju Park, Vice President for Academic Affairs Yong Jin Kwon, Dean Jeong Houn Son of the University College, and Vice President for International Affairs Chun Suk Yoon.
President Park explained several important issues for the University, including Ajou Vision 4.0, the mid- and long-term development plan of the University and its implementation directions, as well as his philosophy on university education and talents. His presentation was followed by casual discussions among the participants. 
International faculty members asked questions and offered suggestions on the evaluation of students' academic performance, coaching of international students, lectures provided in English, and the management of lecture room facilities, etc.
The University currently has about 30 international professors from China, the U.S, and Canada, etc.